Plan Highlights
In addition to the many 529 Benefits, additional features set CollegeAccess 529 apart:
- Maximum contribution limit of $350,000 per beneficiary; once the maximum limit has been reached, it may continue to accrue earnings.
- Joint tenancy ownership allowed — accommodate those who prefer to own assets in joint name.
- Trust and corporate ownership permitted, including 501(c)(3) — ideal for people with unique intentions on how and when and for whom funds are to be used.
- Acceptance of contributions from individuals other than account owner — allowing assets to be accumulated faster and funding responsibilities to be shared.
- UGMA/UTMA investments permitted — enabling savers to be sure assets are used for college, reduce taxes on the minor, and gain favorable tax treatment for financial aid.1
- Tax-free rollovers allowed — from other 529 plans, Coverdell Savings Plans (formerly Education IRAs), and qualified U.S. savings bonds (Series EE and I).
- Ability to change investments or redeem with one phone call — leaving less paperwork for you 2
- Statutory creditor protection — protecting assets from creditors of the contributor, account owner or beneficiary.3